"Row, Row, Row Your Boat" - The River.

From ABC

Grade: A

With Doctor Emmet Cole found in ”The Experiment” the journey home begins in the final episode of the season ”Row, Row, Row Your Boat” but to same that the journey is easy or harrowing is a massive understatement. As Lincoln tries saving his father, Lincoln is mysteriously shot in the neck & killed. As blame immediately turns to Kurt, he is locked up & Tess convinces Jahel to help bring back her son with the help of the Boiuna. The River even in its final moments brings about its most horrifying episode fraught with a murder mystery, possession, & a shocking ending proving itself as the most under watched & bloodcurdling series on television.

Early on Lincoln is mysteriously shot & killed by an unknown crew member & blame turns to Kurt who says he wouldn’t have missed when attempting to kill Emmet Cole. Even so, Kurt is locked up & while Emmet is opposed, Tess seeks the help of Jahel in convincing the Boiuna to bring back Lincoln. In a powerful ritual performed by the two Lincoln is somehow brought back. What follows are some of the most shocking & gruesome moments of the series, outside of a skinned person. The crew soon realizes that Lincoln has become possessed by the Boiuna which is out to seek revenge upon the entire crew. Bringing to light the crews deep dark secrets is only the beginning as it berates & beats Kurt about his mysterious backers for trying to protect ‘The Source’ instead of letting the Boiuna protect it.

Even as the final moments of the episode approach, The River does not let down with a shocking ending seemingly destroying the hopes of the crew. Even is the series stands alone, in eight episodes it proved that a horror series could be brought back to primetime television & be told to audiences. If the series is able to return for a second season it has well left enough of a mystery that anything to further unfold would be a taught delight of horrid expectations.